[MY FAVOURITE SCENES #7] – Dead Man’s Shoes

This scene is far removed from anything I’ve previously examined on the My Favourite Scenes feature. This week I’m not examining camera angles, colour grading or set design. Technical wizardry is part of the magic of film but it’s an added bonus and not the real reason why most of us go to the cinema (unless you’re a Michael Bay fan). This scene, from Shane Meadows’ Dead Man’s Shoes, is all about Paddy Considine’s sensational performance. With its simple presentation and classic Brit-grit aesthetic, it’s a stark reminder of what movies are truly about; human emotion and the characters that embody these emotions.

A wide-shot opens the scene as the lead antagonist, Sonny, attempts to coolly walk out of an off-green Citroen 2CV; a brand of car that my nan would be embarrassed to drive. Sonny heads straight towards Richard (Paddy Considine), hands in his pocket, trying to give off an aura of intimidating casualness but being careful not to look Richard in the eye. Sonny extends a hand to Richard, who chooses to stand in silence, his own hands behind his back, maintaining deep eye contact. In the background stands Richard’s disabled brother, Anthony, who has been abused physically and sexually by Sonny and his gang.
You're Fucking There Mate, dead Man's shoes scene
After a brief period of awkwardness, Sonny begins to talk. Somebody broke into his house a couple of nights previously and he wants to know who. Richard openly admits to the crime with an unflinching honesty. Every question that Sonny asks Richard, who has remained unmoved throughout this entire conversation, is met with a short but definite answer. Sonny then remarks, “you’re making me very nervous Richard” and so begins one of the most intimidating, non-physical threats in movie history.
With the camera positioning focused from the shoulder up and the framing so tight, both Paddy Considine and Gary Stretch are required to act through facial expressions and language alone. Considine’s extremely measured and eerily controlled line delivery gives the scene a palpable level of intensity; the audience are expecting the confrontation to escalate at any minute. Richard’s unflinching rage-filled eyes are all the evidence that Sonny needs to believe his softly-delivered threats. And although he’s not typically cast for his physicality, Considine manipulates his stance and body language in order to make himself even more intimidating.
To watch Considine’s fantastic performance, click the video below:

3 thoughts on “[MY FAVOURITE SCENES #7] – Dead Man’s Shoes

  1. If you've ever enjoyed films like This Is England, Nil By Mouth or Harry Brown, give it a watch Vits. The British accents are quite harsh, so I'd recommend subtitles.


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