[POSTER OF THE WEEK] – As Above, So Below

Welcome to a new, simple feature – Poster of the Week. Due to my cinema day-job, I come in contact with A LOT of posters. The beauty of a poster is that it can make an incredibly poor movie seem appealing (and sometimes vice versa). And occasionally the poster is a movie’s only redeeming factor. So this is my way of honouring the underrated art of poster design.

To kick things off, here’s the deliciously pop-art inspired artwork for the upcoming found- footage horror As Above, So Below. From the director of Devil and Quarantine, As Above, So Below sees a group of archaeologists document their expedition inside the cavernous Parisian catacombs as they search for a lost treasure. Considering the poster, I can only guess that their expedition goes horribly awry…
Found-footage gets a lot of flack but I’m actually part of the minority who enjoy it as a horror sub-genre when it’s done well. I’ll certainly be towards the front of the queue when As Above, So Below hits UK cinemas early August.

6 thoughts on “[POSTER OF THE WEEK] – As Above, So Below

  1. Great idea for an ongoing feature. Genre films have been responsible for some great, iconic posters. From 'The Exorcist' and 'The Shining' to 'Halloween' and the low-budget found-footage classic 'The Blair Witch Project,' there's some great artwork out there that really evokes the tone of some of these films.


  2. Horror posters are limited in what they can show because they obviously don't want to ruin the intrigue and mystery right off the bat. That's why they're often some of the best though. The limitations upon the artist actually forces creativity and imagination.


  3. I definitely will have throwback posters; I've already got several in mind. As for the rating system, I never thought of it but it's a great idea! Something to ponder.

    Thanks for your comment šŸ™‚


  4. 1) Are you gonna do both regular posters and teasers?
    2) I want you opinion on the poster for NERUDA (www.bfdistribution.cl/neruda-fugitivo). A guy on another site has the theory that the movie bombed here in Chile because of the poster.


  5. 1) Yes, I will be doing teasers too. As well as any quality fan-made posters I find that deserve exposure.

    2) It bombed because of the poster? Not sure a poster has THAT much of an impact on a film's success. My opinion is that it's cluttered; too many fonts and too many images. It's also quite boring – an orange and blue colour scheme is too familiar these days.


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