[REVIEW] – Kick-Ass 2

Kickass 2 ensemble cast poster
Director: Jeff Wadlow (Never Back Down)
Starring: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloe Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jim Carrey
Certificate: 15
Run-time: 103 minutes
IN SHORT: Although a little darker than before, Kick-Ass 2 is viscerally entertaining, packing a punch just as mean as the first film.

Schoolboy superheroes in internet-bought tights, vigilante villains with names such as ‘Mother Russia’ and ‘Genghis Carnage’, decapitated limbs and a dog that’s trained to castrate enemies on his owner’s command… Guys and gals, this can only mean that the insane world of Kick-Ass is back! This summer we’ve seen Superman crash through skyscrapers without so much as a stubbed toe or bruise and witnessed Wolverine get sliced in half with a samurai sword only to casually regenerate. So it’s nice to watch a comic book movie that’s not afraid to spill blood and actually put its protagonists lives on the line. So what are our home-made heroes up to this time round?

After the events of the first film, Hit Girl (Moretz) is fostered by her father’s best friend and former partner, Detective Williams. Under his close watch, Hit Girl is forced to retire her costume and embrace her real identity – Mindy Macready. Dave (Taylor-Johnson) has become restless with his solitary Kick-Ass life and seeks out other superheroes. This leads him to former mob mafioso, Colonel Stars and Stripes (Carrey) who has assembled a crime-fighting team called Justice Forever. This gets the attention of Kick-Ass’ one-time partner, Red Mist (Mintz-Plasse), who renames himself ‘The Motherfucker’ and creates his own team to counter Justice Forever. But with Hit Girl busy trying to ingratiate herself into the bitchy world of high-school, Kick-Ass and his new rag-tag band of misfit superheroes find themselves hopelessly outgunned and out-muscled.

Kick-Ass and the Motherfucker staring eachother down
The Motherfucker sets out to destroy Kick-Ass and everyone he cares for.

With all of the unfinished business of the first film, Kick-Ass 2 feels like a natural continuation, rather than a quickly-produced sequel made for a fast buck. Visually, despite the change of director, the film carries on seamlessly from the first although the tone has become noticeably darker just like Red Mist’s new ‘Motherfucker’ outfit (built using some of his mother’s BDSM trinkets and leathers). With the stakes higher and the villains crazier than ever, Kick-Ass takes some rather tragic turns. I was left blindsided more than once by how emotionally engaging the film was. Whilst this new-found sincerity does tread a little on the film’s humour, there are still ‘laugh out loud’ opportunities.

When the laughs come, they are mostly provided by The Motherfucker and his beautifully titled team The Toxic Mega Cunts (how can you not love that?!). Mintz-Plasse is fantastic, clearly having a great time playing this egotistical, heinous but strangely lovable baddie. Hit Girl’s warped Mean Girls-esque high school experience also features some unforgettable comedic moments. You’d maybe expect some witty one-liners from Mr Carrey but as Colonel Stars and Stripes, he’s a straight-faced, no-nonsense crime fighter. It’s another chameolonic performance from Jim, although I was left wanting slightly more from his character just because he was so interesting.

Kick-Ass meeting Colonel Stars and Stripes in bunker
Justice Forever; just like the Avengers only minus the powers, weapons and any actual fighting talent.

The franchise may have lost a little of its humour but it’s definitely not lost its appetite for some of the old ultra-violence. Kick-Ass 2‘s death scenes are deliciously creative, even out-doing Matthew Vaughn’s already exasperatingly violent scenes in the first film. The Motherfucker’s favourite toy – Mother Russia, a 7 foot tall former KGB agent with thighs capable of snapping necks in two, earns the film’s 15 certification in a gloriously over-the-top scene of pure destruction that had people in the screen wooping. However the pedantic nit-picker in me did spot some rather poor CGI amongst some of the film’s action sequences but I was having too much of a ball to let it bother me.

The film is not without its weaknesses. There are fleeting moments of sexual chemistry between Kick-Ass and Hit Girl, which instead of being sweet, feel awkward and unnecessary. And there’s a downright bizarre, eyebrow-raising scene involving Hit Girl and a Union J music video. But these are niggles. Overall, Kick-Ass 2 is a rare sight in Hollywood – a sequel that matches the original. It’s exhilaratingly entertaining, crammed with action and so well paced, you’ll wonder where the two hours went. If you liked the first film, I GUARANTEE you’ll get your monies worth the second time round. See it and stay until the end of the credits!!

9 thoughts on “[REVIEW] – Kick-Ass 2

  1. Damn it. I didn't stay until the end of the credits and I usually do. Oh well I guess I will have to watch it again. Very nice review, but I did not like this one as much as the first. The actual comic was a lot darker then this one. The Mother Fucker was even more psychotic and deranged then how he was played here. Having Mindy want to be like the other girls in her school felt like a tacked on subplot. In the book she goes along with it because she doesn't want to upset her foster mother and dad. Not because she enjoys it. Glad to see your back Ben


  2. It's rigggggght at the end of the credits. I only saw it because I work at the cinema and have to clean the screen!
    And I've heard about some of the cut scenes from the comic. I'm not sure the film needed a rape scene, nor the beheading of a dog!

    As usual, thanks for reading Vern. Feels good to be back and writing.


  3. I REALLY don't understand the hate. There's very little difference between this and the first movie. Only difference I see is the tone is sometimes inconsistent. But the sequel has Jim freakin' Carrey!


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