[FRIDAY FIVES] – Five Scariest Movies of All Time

Scariet films ever

With this last Friday of October, I’m sharing with you lucky readers the five films that scare me the most. Some of these are Hollywood horror classics, whilst others are from further afield.

I’m quite a big believer in all things paranormal so you may see a recurring theme with the titles I’ve chosen. For me, an unseen spirit/entity is far more scary than an unstoppable serial killer. Although, that’s not to say every film on this list has ghosts in it…

So here we go, the five films that have had me peering through my fingers like the big girl’s blouse I am.

 1) [REC]
I’ve already covered [REC] in my Top 5 Foreign Language Films post last month and I also reviewed the third installment [REC] 3 Genesis so the number one spot on this list won’t come as a surprise to regular readers! This is not only my favourite horror film, it’s one of my favourite movies of any genre just because of its intensity and unforgettable final fifteen minutes.

Why is it scary?

  1. The enclosed tower-block makes for an effectively claustrophobic setting
  2. The use of non-professional actors heightens the realism
  3. Adrenaline-pumping, frenetic atmosphere. Anything can happen and anything DOES happen
  4. Brilliant prosthetic and make-up work on the infected 
  5. A sinister twist in the last 15 minutes that makes the film downright disturbing
2) The Exorcist

It’s been parodied in pop-culture a million-and-one times, from Homer’s possession in The Simpsons to the introductory scene of Scary Movie 2. Because of my age, I had already been exposed to all of these parodies before I’d seen The Exorcist. When I finally watched it, I expected to find it dated and not scary, like my experience with The Shining and The Thing. I was wrong!
Why is it scary?

  1. Linda Blair’s stunning performance as Regan
  2. It’s a simple point but – the make-up used on the possessed Regan.
  3. The supernatural power of the demon’s inside Regan
  4. The uncomfortable sound effects and theme music throughout the film (not just Tubular Bells
  5. Iconic scenes, such as the ‘spiderwalk’ on the extended cut or the head-spinning

3) Shutter 

Don’t worry, this isn’t the beyond-average American one with Joshua Jackson. Here, making its way into third place on this list is the Thai original, released in 2004 and hugely under-rated and under-seen considering how bloody scary it is! 

Why is it scary?
  1. One of the first horror films to use video cameras and photographs so effectively
  2. The spirit haunting our hero is goddamn creepy and seems hellbent on revenge
  3. Unbearable tension is heightened by an eerie score
  4. Because it‘s in a foreign language, there’s an unpredictability. It doesn’t play by established Hollywood rules
  5. A sinister final shot that may well give you nightmares      
4) The Others

The Others is not only chilling, it’s a beautifully shot and acted thriller. Director Alejandro Amenabar relies solely on carefully crafted tension, rather than gore or cheap thrills.
Why is it scary?
  1. Setting – with its empty rooms and cavernous corridors, the house in The Others is the perfect playground for spirits
  2. There’s a feeling of helplessness as Nicole Kidman is all alone with her two children
  3. The delicate and slow build-up has you on the edge of your seat, peeking through your eyes
  4. Darkness – many scenes are filmed with only a kerosene light for guidance
  5. The children talk about an imaginary friend named ‘Victor‘ and constantly draw eerie drawings of him
5) The Ring

Lastly, like The Exorcist, The Ring is another film that has suffered from parodies and ridicule. When I was growing up, I remember the hype around this film and I have to say, it lives up to it. This is also a rare case of the American remake being better than the original (Ringu). Obviously that’s my opinion, but the original’s low budget and amateur acting tarnishes the experience.

Why is it scary?
  1. The tape – the woman brushing her hair, the lighthouse. I haven’t seen this film in about 4 years and I still distinctly remember the tape!
  2. Fear of the unknown – Samara, the girl behind the tape, is an unknown entity and her powers seem endless
  3. CREEPY KID. Aidan is one unsettling child
  4. Director, Gore Verbinski, creates a feeling of dread and unease. You can feel it throughout the entire film
  5. Closet scene. If you’ve seen the film, you’ll know

Honourable Mentions:

Drag Me To Hell
Funny Games
The Sixth Sense
The Strangers
What Lies Beneath

What are the scariest films you’ve ever seen? It could be something you saw as a child and haven’t watched since or is there a recent horror film that you think more people should be exposed to? Comment below with your thoughts.

8 thoughts on “[FRIDAY FIVES] – Five Scariest Movies of All Time

  1. Great post. I agree with you Rec is very scary and one of the best found footage horror movies. I have never seen Shutter but will check it out based on your recomendation


  2. I definitely agree with your list!
    I've been wanting to see Rec because I love found footage movies. They always creep me out. I've seen the not-so-great American version of Shutter, but I liked the concept, so I'll have to try the Thai version.
    The Ring has been one of the creepiest movies to me. I tried to watch it a long time ago and turned it off after 5 minutes or so. Finally went back and watched it a year or two ago, and it still creeped me out!
    Nice list!


  3. Thanks for reading Audrey.

    In my opinion, [REC] is the king of found footage movies. Once you've seen that one, you'll find nothing matches it in terms of sheer adrenaline and craziness.

    The Ring gave me many sleepless nights when I first watched it. The face of the girl in the closet is forever in my head. There's something about that film that'll always stay with me, even though VHS tapes are a thing of the past nowadays!


  4. I know you said you're not much of a fan of the serial killer type horrors.. but I've gotta say i think one of the scariest films for me is the orignal 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I still can't watch that alone!

    Completely agreeing with you here on The Ring and The Exorcist though.


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